Salvador de Bahia (Brazil), March 2018
On March 13-17, 2018, in the city of Salvador de Bahia (Brazil), the WFTL was held from the theme “Resist and create, resist and transform.” The Delegation was integrated by representatives from WFTL network, as well as other participants from different institutions not linked to WFTL.
The WFTL delegation was constituted with 38 peoples, and more than 40 other people from partner institutions in the project. We had specific activities of the WFTL on March 12 and 13 at the Retreat House of the Mercedarian Sisters / Salvador- BA, and then workshops at the World Social Forum, including the opening Walk on March 13 in the afternoon. Other activities held on 14th., 15th., 16th. and 17th. of March 2018 in the WSF programming, invited the participation of the WSF’s general audience, at the Federal University of Bahia – UFBA, in Salvador, Brazil.
According to the evaluation by the participants, this WFTL made possible to know the precarious conditions of black and indigenous women in Brazil, and to learn about the transformative force of social movements, including the promotion of interfaith and ecumenical dialogue at the service of the authentic human being. The WFTL made it possible once again to discern and discuss current issues in an interdisciplinary way, to interpret and examine the theological concerns of the Churches in a global context of crisis and hopes for a New World. In this edition of the WFTL there also was a consistent participation of many people from US and Canada and some from Europe, together with people from the Global South.